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End of year note

Dear students, thank you all for being a part of MGW during this extremely difficult year. In the midst of a pandemic, lockdowns, financial uncertainties and travel restrictions, you have managed to sustain your passion for music and continue to practice to become a better musician.  It has been a privilege watching you all grow musically and being able to be a part of it. It’s a lifelong journey and there is simply no shortcut. The role of a mentor is to provide a structure so that students can learn progressively and provide adequate assistance to build the confidence. That is what I always aspire to do.

I am taking a leave for 2 weeks starting from this Monday (21.12.20) and will resume the lessons from 4.01.21. During these two weeks, I will spend some time with my family, review the current lessons and prepare some new and useful lessons for the next year.

As you may know that I was working towards my PhD in economics and I am almost at the end of this very gruelling journey. Meaning very soon I will be at the crossroad of making a difficult decision of whether to pursuit a fulltime career in academia or music. I am very much up for following my passion and continue with the guitar lessons and be more regular in the live music scene. However, that means I will have to be a bit more commercial with the weekly lesson schedule and be more professional with lesson cancellations in order to ensure a steady weekly cashflow. I will post an update on this when the time comes.

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a very happy and prosperous 2021.  And as the legendary Eddie van Halen says, ‘keep playing, it’s the only thing there is, music’.


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